Monday, February 18, 2013

The KIND of Praise you Give Out Makes A Difference

According to a recent article in Science News, the type of praise you give your child makes a big difference in how they face challenges later in life.

We all know that praising our kids is important, but the words you use when praising a child's work can effect how they perceive the payoff for effort. Knowing what words to use can help shape a healthier attitude towards working towards goals and applying effort in the things they do.  Especially important when communicating with toddlers, praising effort and behavior vs the child himself makes all the difference.

Check it out....

Child Development: The Right Kind of Early Praise Predicts Positive Attitudes Toward Effort

Feb. 12, 2013 — Toddlers who hear praise directed at their efforts, such as "your worked hard on that" are more likely to prefer challenging versus easy tasks and to believe that intelligence and personality can improve with effort than do youngsters who simply hear praise directed at them personally, such as "you're a good girl," new research at the University of Chicago reveals.

"The kind of praise focused on effort is called 'process praise' and sends the message that effort and actions are the sources of success, leading children to believe they can improve their performance through hard work," said Elizabeth Gunderson, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Temple University and lead author on the study conducted while she was a graduate student at the University of Chicago.
Another form of praise called "person praise" is focused on the child's characteristics. Parents using person praise might say "you're a big boy," for instance.
The findings, published in the paper "Parent Praise to 1-3 Year Olds Predicts Children's Motivational Frameworks 5 years Later," are the first to show the impact of parents' praise in a naturalistic setting. The study is published on-line in the journal Child Development and was conducted by researchers from Stanford as well as the University of Chicago.

Short-term laboratory studies have found that process praise results in greater persistence and better performance on challenging tasks, while person praise, which sends the message that a child's ability is fixed, results in decreased persistence and performance.
In the new study the scholars found that the percentage of process praise parents used when their children were one to three years old significantly predicted whether children welcomed challenges, had strategies for overcoming failure, and thought intelligence and personality were malleable five years later.

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