Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take Time Out for You...

by John and Diane

Hi Friends,
I am working on a "real" blog article right now, but meanwhile, I just wanted to share a photo I took this morning.

I managed to capture this shot out my back door (lucky me, I know) while my foster kids were getting up and eating breakfast. It just took a second, and gave me a chance to do three things I enjoy and that refresh and renew me. Enjoy nature, take pictures, and thank God for his blessings on a beautiful early spring morning.

As I was looking at the pics this afternoon I thought about how easy it is to get burned out... and I do feel that way often with my "tough" kids, and how important it is to take even a moment for yourself to relax and enjoy the quiet.

The world of chaos and stress is still there, but after a moment, sometimes a stolen millisecond, you will be a better parent and maybe just a little more able to face the day filled with tantrums, lies, arguments,dirty socks, missing homework, hidden dishes, missing tools etc, etc etc.

So, try to do whatever it is that you love, even if it is just for a minute or two each day, talk to a friend, look through a magazine, tend to your garden, meditate, fill up the bird feeders, pray,brush the dog, read this blog :) ... whatever... care for yourself so that you can care for your special family. You are special too.


  1. I think this is so true John, when I had many little ones in daycare instead of just using the "time out" method as a punishment tool, I used to tell the kids that I needed a time out for a few minutes. I would set the egg timer for 2-5 minutes and it was my "sanity time" of peace and quiet from the kids. To my surprise they TOTALLY understood what that meant and always gave me a break for those few minutes, without asking they would go off on their own and begin playing or reading books quietly. I find time for yourself is important no matter what career path or life situation you find yourself in. There is a reason God tells us to "be still".

  2. Thanks Angela! Parents knowing when to "take a moment" is definitely something that will help get them through those tough moments.

